How does your cash management solution weigh up against the Cashmaster One?
If your current count process takes more than 60 seconds, it doesn’t.
Cashiers using our Cashmaster cash counting devices unanimously agree that their use improves job satisfaction and frees up their valuable time to focus on your customers. Management benefits from greater accuracy, significant time savings, together with real-time data and full visibility on which to make key business decisions and drive loss prevention.
But, counting a till is only step one. Printing the data, transferring it straight into your POS system and automating your cash handling is where you will experience the true value of Cashmaster cash management technology.
Want to find out for yourself? We have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't see the savings you want, you get every penny back. Additionally, you can book a consultation with a Cashmaster representative to discuss further about the terms and conditions.
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